The Roles and Benefits of Technology in modern medicine by John Omoku



[Photo Source: Techzone360]

Change they say is constant. This applies to so many areas of life (this includes the fuel pump price as well... Lol). However, there are a lot of things that may never change no matter what. For instance, the earth rotating on its axis from west to east, or the spelling of "FOOD"... But technology is one thing that evolves with time and generations.

The study of an event may lead to collection of data, extrapolation and collation of useful information, as well as inference. Putting this all together will eventually yield good results and better the life of people. This is the role of technology! Technology goes beyond the use of machines and devices. It is God's gift to man if you ask me. Today, information is easily spread because of technology; people live better lives because of technology. There are so many positive things about the evolution of technology as well as there are the negatives. Technology as well, is a critical part of medical advancement.

In this article, we shall examine a few benefits of technology in medicine. There abound hundreds of thousands of benefits of technology in medicine today, below are just a few:

1. Predicting pandemics and epidemics

The world was taken by storm in the late part of 2019 through 2020 due to a Coronavirus strain that was later christened as Covid-19. Cities were placed on Lockdown; flights were banned; gatherings were prohibited; jobs were lost; people died and the world was still. The saddest year yet for a lot of persons (2019/2020) thankfully we are here, it could have been worse.

Technology was instrumental to the discovery and identification of the virus, to its implications and route of entry, down to the dissemination of information on the prevention of the deadly virus. The advancement in technology has made it easier for the collection of data as well as its analysis. Today, it is quite much easier to predict a pandemic or an epidemic from data sources compared to a few decades ago.

2. Development of new medicines, vaccines and treatments

One key benefit of technology is the development of new medicines and treatment plans that are more effective than their predecessors, all these in a shorter time frame. Today, we have improved medicines and better treatment plans for various conditions troubling the medical world. Drug molecules are easily studied and improved on for better outcomes in the patients. Vaccines are developed in a much quicker way than normal, and we don't have to wait for years anymore. It goes on and on.

3. Reduction in the cost of health care

One goal of a good treatment plan is to deliver the best possible treatment solution at the cheapest possible rate. This is one area technology has aided in recent times. There are better medicines at a relatively cheaper cost than known before. Healthcare has improved today and become better because of technology and technological advancements in the medical world. It is now easy to book surgeries, communicate with your physician, get drugs delivered from licensed Pharmacists and so on.

4. Avoiding preventable deaths

Due to the advancements in technology, it is easier to avoid casualties from situations that are ordinarily preventable. Such red flags are now easily identified and can be avoided better than they used to be decades ago.

5. Improving quality of life

The ultimate goal of any treatment or therapeutic plan is to either help improve, prevent or manage the condition of the patient. With growing tech support and innovations, this is the resultant effect.

Over the years, there has been an improvement in the quality of life of patients and adherence to medical advices. With the achievements of an improving technological Ecosystem, the best is only yet to come. These and many more are the roles and benefits of technology in medicine today. If you have any more, you can list them down via the comment box below.

John Omoku (B. Pharm)

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