Ana Kaduna Calls For Entries For Her Short Stories Anthology


The Association of Nigerian Authors, Kaduna Chapter is calling on the people of the society at large for  short story entries for her anthology which is scheduled to be launched in her 2021 October lectures event.  


1.Entry is open to interested entrants from around the world with no cost.

2.Entries shall be restricted to the short story genre.

3. Entries must not be more than 4,000 words.

4.There no restriction to themes.

5. Previously published works shall not be accepted

6. Copy rights to works still remains that of the Author's

7. Submissions shall not be edited but published as presented. Make your proof reading and editing or pay someone to do it.

8. Submissions must be sent as email attachment with "October Lectures" on the email title bar.

9. Submissions must be on baskerville old font type, with character size 12 and 1.5 line spacing.

10. The submission deadline happens to be July 31st 2021.

10. To make your submissions send your works to the email below: [email protected]

PLEASE NOTE: If by August 10 you have not heard  from us know that your entry will not make it to the anthology.


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